Open your eyes

Fake news for dummies

Projekt Open Your Eyes zbira najboljše prakse, orodja in vire v zvezi z digitalno in medijsko pismenostjo v zvezi z lažnimi novicami. Ta anketa je zasnovana tako, da pomaga skupnosti pri izdelavi seznama virov in deljenju na skupnem spletnem mestu.

Z izpolnitvijo tega obrazca pomagate ustvariti edinstveno zbirko virov o tem zelo ključnem vprašanju.

Podatke, ki jih navedete z izpolnjevanjem tega vprašalnika, bo uporabljal samo konzorcij projekta "Open your eyes: fake news for dummies", ki ga financira Erasmus +.

Podatki, ki jih posredujete, ne bodo uporabljeni na noben drug način brez vašega izrecnega soglasja.

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Do you agree with the intended use of the information described above ? *

Can we quote your name in the project outcome ? *

Personal details

Participation in media literacy initiative related to fake news, misinformation or disinformation

Initiative Overview

What form does your initiative take?

What is your targeted audience:

Do you have a specific focus, e.g. misinformation around elections, medical misinformation?

if Yes, please describe

Disinformation travels across different platforms: which of the following does your initiative tackle?:

Disinformation spreads through different types of media: which one(s) does your initiative tackle?


Is the term ‘fake news’ adequate or misleading?

Definition by the European Commission Code of Practice on Disinformation:

“As provided under the Commission's Communication, for the purpose of this Code, the Commission as well as the High Level Expert Group in its report define "Disinformation" as "verifiably false or misleading information" which, cumulatively,
(a) "Is created, presented and disseminated for economic gain or to intentionally deceive the public"; and
(b) "May cause public harm", intended as "threats to democratic political and policymaking processes as well as public goods such as the protection of EU citizens' health, the environment or security".
The notion of "Disinformation" does not include misleading advertising, reporting errors, satire and parody, or clearly identified partisan news and commentary, and is without prejudice to binding legal obligations, self-regulatory advertising codes, and standards regarding misleading advertising.”

Do you think there is a difference between misinformation and disinformation and if yes, then can you distinguish them in practice?

Other initiatives

Are you collaborating with other organisations/initiatives and how?

Are you aware of any other initiatives, organisations or other activities working on education to disinformation? Please provide pointers (link to the website or social media page/contact info/...)

Have you joined or do you consider joining any of these initiatives? Why would you join or not join?

If you want to learn more about our project results and activities, contact us:

""Podpora Evropske komisije za pripravo te publikacije ne pomeni potrditev vsebine, ki odraža le stališča avtorjev, in Komisija ne more biti odgovorna za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih publikacija vsebuje.""

2019 Open your eyes